Mr Rocky
JoinedTopics Started by Mr Rocky
Looking for a scripture for CO/Elders visit...
by meat pie in.
can anyone help me please, i think i remember a scripture something like; 'if a man tells you to do something and doesn't do it himself, don't listen to him'.
i cannot find it, i thought it was in proverbs(nwt) but maybe i imagined it.. anyway, it is possible that the co might visit me late december, i have made a few informal requests, and i'd like to be massively prepared.i have a whole array of un documents/info ready.. if you can help with the above scripture i'd be thrilled.. ta, meaty.
Ray Franz -some personal recollections.
by Gilgamesh inthis is my first post.
please forgive its length, its bad timing, its preachiness, its prejudices, etc.
it's just one more opinion that i feel obligated to add.
The local co speech about Malawi
by Nordic ini remember in the summer 2001, when the co was given a speech about the malawi sister's and brother's.
he told how the top jw wanted to talk to the president of malawi.
when they arrived to the meeting the president was nervous and had his lawyer beside him.
Dying you will not die?
by Kagloo ini have a question that has puzzled me since i got my large print bible...... in genesis 2:17 it states.... but as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.".
the footnote reads.... lit.. " dying you will die.
" okay i understand that... .
would you take blood?
by master chief inim confused would i take blood if i was about to die and had no other alternative treatment well to me thats allways been a hard one one to answer and people have allways hated witnesses for refusing it or not giving blood to there own see my mothers due in to hospital on tuesday and having a major operation the problem for her is she is inactive as a jw and has no blood card which is upto date what do you think she should do elders in jehovah and refuse blood.3if it comes to the worst take blood and live.
df vs disassociation
by freebird incan someone provide me some insight or past experience with the pros and cons to disassociating oneself versus getting disfellowshipped?
besides the obvious of not having to deal with the lynch squad.
thanks for you comments.
Are the Gospel Stories Fictional?
by JosephAlward inthere is abundant evidence that marks stories are fictional.
in this post, i will explain how marks story of jesus miraculous feeding of the five thousand (mark 6:32-42) was copied from scripture.. at the beginning of his story, mark wants his readers to believe that his jesus is just as compassionate as the lord, so he introduces him as a person who was just as concerned as the lord is for people who are like sheep without a shepherd.
the lord is my shepherd, i shall not be in want.
Amen-amen Connection?
by patio34 ini have been reading 2 books by gary greenburg ("the bible myth" & 101 myths of the bible).
his entire focus is on tying the biblical stories to the egyptian mythology.
it's all interesting.
Can you answer this please?
by sleepy inyesturday my wife bumped into one of our former friends from the hall.. she tried to discuss a few points with him but as she hasn't done much research herself was a bit stuck when he told her that the reason the society dates the fall of babylon to 607 was because the jews were in captivity for 70 years which working back from 537 you come to 607.. i tried to explain to her that the bible does not specifically say the jews would be in captivity for 70 years but that in daniel it talks of the devestaions of jerusalem ,which could mean it rulership by babylon which started before they were taken captive.. beside that isn't it true that people were left over in jerusalem and only the elite taken?.
anyway at the end of 2 chronicals particually verse 21 it talks of the land laying desolate 70 years this would sujest that the 70 years maybe did refer to the desrution of jerusalem.. can anyone point me in the right direction on this?.
by the way this has no bearing on what i think just my wife as i don't believe the bible to be the word of god anyway, and there are far bigger problems with the witnesses time prophecies , i just need to show from the bible it is wrong as that is the only source of authority for some people.
Preterism questions for Hillary
by Faithful2Jah inhillary,.
in another thread you described your understandings of the new testament as being those of a "preterist.
" would you please descibe what that means exactly?